sunnuntai 31. elokuuta 2014

It's been five months

I haven't written anything for five freaking months. Wow. Many times I have thought about this blog but for some odd reason I never wrote anything. Now I just really felt like writing again. I don't really have anything special to write about, so I'll just write whatever comes to mind.

     It'll be september tomorrow. The first actual month of autumn. In some ways I'm really exited but in others not so much. I really love wearing big sweaters and boots etc. which makes autumn really awesome. I just love autumn clothes. In some ways I really like the rain as well, which isn't exactly normal.. but it just makes me really creative. And just the idea of drinking tea and cuddling or reading a book under a blanket just makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
     The downside to autumn is that I drive a scooter. I don't have a car license or a car. If I want to go the gym I have to drive about 10 kilometres. And if it's just raining all the time I really can't go to the gym, can I? And if it rains a lot I can't really hang out with friends outside. So basically these are the only reasons I dislike autumn sometimes.

So I ended up writing about autumn... awesome. I'll seriously try and write more. But right now I don't really know what to write about,
xoxo Emma.

keskiviikko 5. maaliskuuta 2014

Random pics; Lanzarote, birthday etc.

So this is me, apologizing to you. I haven't written for a while, again. I could just tell you people the basic; I've been very busy blah blah.. To be honest I just haven't been too bothered. But now I'm planning on writing random things again, ok? It will happen. Hopefully anyway. Even though you, readers of mine, are all my friends and you know exactly how my life is going. I'll just hope that some random person stumbles across this blog and decides to read it.
  So yeah, I'll just share some of my holiday pics from Lanzarote now.

Is it just me, or are some of these cocktail names really sexual?

Looking like a hippie.

The view from our room at sunset.

Me and my sister ^^
So that was my holiday. I've got a load more pictures but I really don't feel like going thru them all right now.

                                                   During this brake of mine I turned seventeen.
And here's two pics of me on that day.
Basically my birthday went so that I just hung out with my best friend, ate and played my ukulele. It was actually a nice day.

Me and my cousin before going out.

 In this pic I'm actually wearing a garbage bag. On valentine's day all the first years in our school had to wear one. So I made it into a dress. I was pretty proud of myself with this. Until I ruined it of course... I managed to open the flower thingy and didn't get it to look ok anymore. It was stupid. But at least it looked cool in the morning.

So this is it for this time. I'll try and actually write more. But I'm not promising anything. Good night people! XX

torstai 9. tammikuuta 2014

At the airport

Sorry for being MIA lately. I'll try to write more. But quickly to the point now. I'm at the airport. I'm going to Lanzarote with my mum and my sister.
The funny thing about this is that Christmasbreak just finished. I managed to be at school for three days! But I'm in a rush and the point of this post was to tell you people to go and stalk my instagram during this holiday. I'm most likely going to post a lot of pictures there. Now I'm of to the gate now and I'll write again in Lanzarote!  :)