torstai 28. marraskuuta 2013

Random post; tests, funeral, shopping

Well hello there, fancy seeing you here.
So my life has been semi hectic. I had a test week in school for a week and it luckily finished yesterday. Now I'm in the Joensuu area, about 600 kilometres away from home. Because I'm going to my grandma's funeral tomorrow. I'm actually staying in her house now and it's really weird being here without her.. but I don't know. The annoying thing about this place is, that there isn't an internet connection.. even the data connection on my phone is crappy. But anyway I decided to write something on this blog today even though the internet is so crappy.

    So yeah, I just had a testweek and I had tests from Finnish, English, German, Swedish, maths and physics. I'm so afraid for my maths test... because I'm on the advanced course. I really hope it went well. I really  don't want to drop out of that course. So yeah.. I'm happy that that week is finally over.

     And I ended up going shopping for a black dress yesterday for the funeral and I ended up buying the most gorgeous dress ever and a really cool looking blazer.

And yes people, I'm planning on wearing stockings or something as well. I've got a really cool outfit planned. I think I might even do a post about it. Maybe. Lets see what kind of a state I'll be in tomorrow...

But I think I'm just going to go and hang out now, so good night people! Talk to you later :)

perjantai 22. marraskuuta 2013

My first post :)

So this is my first post. As you can probably read from the title. I think, that the best way to start of this blog is to tell you about myself.
   My name is Emma, but people call me Emu (which the name of the blog kind of hints...). I'm a 16 year old girl from Finland. So I'm Finnish. Though the only interesting thing about this is, that my dad's English. So I'm half Finnish and half English. Still with me? Ok, good. So I'm just a basic weirdo. I like to hang out on the computer quite a bit. I mostly hang out on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. On my phone I like to use Instagram as well. The thing is that I don't really think twice about posting something on there. If you check my profile on there, you'll notice that my first picture on there is me with a orange slice in my mouth smiling. I don't really care what other people think of me. The key is just not to take yourself too seriously.
      I'm the oldest of four children in our family and I've got two little sisters and one little brother. And of course I shouldn't forget my dog, Penny (actually she isn't mine, she's ours). And of course I've got a mum and a dad. Family is really important to me and they always come first.
      I also have hobbies. I like to think that I'm musical in some sort of way. Not too sure if it's true or not. I like to perform in my school's concerts and musicals etc. Also I've played the guitar since 7th grade. So for about three and a half years now. I've taught myself to play it, but I just started lessons about two to three months ago. And on top of that I kind of play the ukulele. I love it! It's really cool 'cause it isn't one of those instruments that everyone plays like the guitar, piano etc. and it's tiny so it's easy to carry around!
      I'm in highschool now. I just started this autumn. I'm kind of a nerd, so I get pretty good grades. Most of the time school swallows most of my time, which is kind of annoying... I really do try to do all of my school work well. The reason for that is, that I'd really like to get into medical school later on. But of course my mind might change at some point. My favorite subjects are chemistry, German and music of course. I do think that biology and physics are interesting too, but during the classes I get bored. I'm not sure if I should blame myself for it or my teachers.. But that's kind of irrelevant right now.
      I'm hooked on The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, American Horror Story , The Carrie Diaries, Under the Dome, Revenge etc. I really do like my tv shows! And of course I love Gossip Girl. Right now I'm kind of stuck in the 5th season. Which I think is good because I've still got so much to watch!

   But I think this just might be enough for now. I need to go to bed 'cause I need to wake up early tomorrow morning... I'm going to see Catching fire tomorrow! I'm sooo excited!!
But bye for now,

xoxo Emma.