tiistai 3. joulukuuta 2013

Pics from the funeral and other randomness

So it's been a couple of days. I came home the day before yesterday aka Sunday. We had a super long ride home. It took for nine hours!
     So I was gone from school for two days and I missed ten classes all and all. I've got quite a bit of catching up to do... really not interested about that. But I do have some good news about school. I got my Swedish and my German tests back. I got 8 and a half from my German test and a 9 from my Swedish test! I'm so happy right now! Especially with the Swedish test because I was told that many people from my class failed it. I was petrified that I was going to get a crappy grade too but for my luck it went waaay better! Now I just have to wait for the rest of my tests to come back. I'm really worried about my maths test. We'll just have to hope for the best.

     On Friday we had the funeral and oh my goodness my grandma's casket was so beautiful and it reminded me of her so much. The chapel part of the funeral was just so sad. I was just basically sobbing through the whole thing. I actually thought that I wouldn't cry at the funeral at all but now I'm just really glad that I used a waterproof mascara.
     The memorial part of the funeral was a lot happier and there was really good food. And here will be a couple of pictures from the memorial:
This is me just waiting for the food at the memorial.
And here's my little sister, Tess, playing a celebrity, not wanting that I take pictures of her.

Here's me (on the right) with my cousin Annika (on the left).

And here's from left 'til right Annika, me and Tess. :)

So that was it for the memorial pictures but here will be a couple random ones just for fun:
Here's my dog Penny. Isn't she adorable?

Me on Saturday, the day after the funeral, having a lazy day :)

2 kommenttia:

  1. Sait Liebster Blog -haasteen ! ;)
